New financial tool provides Veterans more control and transparency
Any Veteran with a debt related to VA benefits can now access their debt information online using a new debt management tool. VA’s Office of Information
Any Veteran with a debt related to VA benefits can now access their debt information online using a new debt management tool. VA’s Office of Information
Veterans continue to receive benefits and services after VA’s Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) temporarily closed its 56 regional offices to the public March 19 in
October disability compensation, dependency indemnity compensation (DIC) and pension payments are delayed by two days for more than 27,000 beneficiaries due to a software issue.
The fifth annual Veteran Benefit Expo, the state’s largest veteran benefit resource event, will be held in Pendleton next week, July 27th at the Pendleton
Each time a bugle plays Taps and a folded flag is presented to a grieving family, experts tell us that on average, 10 lives will
VA recently started digitizing older, inactive paper records, which will save taxpayer dollars through reduced, leased office-space that currently houses these records. “This is just
Early this year, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) began extracting hundreds of thousands of inactive-claim records from regional offices east of the Mississippi for digital conversion.
We were all talking around the coffee table these last few days about just how accessible help and assistance is for veterans in our area.
The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ second annual Veteran Benefit Expo will be held Sept. 8 at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, bringing together close to 100 federal, state and local providers of programs and services that benefit veterans and their families.
Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs