Three signs of good PTSD care for Veterans


As a Veteran with PTSD, you deserve the best treatment available. Whether you are seen at VA, in a Vet Center, or by a community provider, you need to feel sure that your care is working for you.

If you are happy with your care, if your symptoms are getting better and you feel hopeful for the future, then you are all set.  But if you don’t feel like you are making progress or you are not satisfied with your care, you might be wondering what to do next.

Once treatment starts, you should stay an active player in your care.

Let these three signs of quality care guide you. You can refer to them if you are in treatment, especially if you are not happy with your progress or before you begin to work with a provider. They don’t all have to be present for you to know the treatment you are getting is high-quality. But they each will improve your chances of getting the care you deserve.

#1: You’re involved in your care

If you have ever been diagnosed with a medical condition, your provider probably told you your treatment options, and you worked together—perhaps with your family—to decide on the care that was right for you. Why should your mental health care be any different?

In the best case, your provider talks with you about the effective treatments that are available for PTSD—both psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medication (drug therapy). The two of you can then discuss

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